The initial chaos of having no idea where to go -- just an offramp with signs pointing to "baggage claim" -- indicated just how badly disorganized this airport system is. The signage, as usual is at fault. You can go for half a mile and not see a reminding sign that you are indeed on your way to "all terminals" -- all the other signs just point to "Baggage Claim" and "Departures" but none mentions anything about terminals, "Sky Trains" or anything else. You just have to keep asking everyone -- the true sign of a signage campaign that doesn't exist.
Plus, there is no concept (as usual) of being "in transit." I already immigrated to the US and went through security in Montreal. Now I have to leave security and re-immigrate to New York and go through security again, this time accompanied by 1,000 other passengers of all ethnicities (an entire El Al flight full of Orthodox Jews) plus show my passport blah blah blah and I'm NOT EVEN FUCKING ENTERING THE US.
These people are extremely retarded, at all levels. Their micro-brains are evident everywhere.
If I could somehow travel through Vancouver without having to go through Tokyo . . . but the Canadians and the Japanese are also as DUMB AS SEVERAL BURLAP SACKS FULL OF ½ PENNY NAILS so there really is no recourse but to pick the worst of ten worst choices. There ARE no good choices any more -- unless you are hysterically rich.
I now am craving a sweet of some sort . . . a cake would be ideal.
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